
2024, 16MM and S16MM, 2 film reels, each 3 minutes, collaborative work with Francisca Saez Agurto, Maria Papaoikonoumou, and others

with the support of Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Dino.Berlin Camera Rental, UdK Berlin (KKWV, FRSBK LA, FSRK, FSRBK, Women’s Representative, Interflugs)



The analog installation addresses questions regarding justice and reality. The film incorporates motifs from various folklores such as ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘Vasilisa the Beautiful,’ and ‘Onryō.’ The central theme in each case revolves around dealing with sexual violence and the quest for justice. These mythologies are intertwined with archetypal symbols embodying knowledge, truth, and prosperity. The artwork becomes a medium for communicating implicit and inherited knowledge, while leaving room for new interpretations. The analog film material is part of the feature film EYES WITHOUT GAZE, depicting a part of the dreams of its protagonist.

Past and Upcomming exhibtions

  • “RE:VISION” galerie Nord, Berlin, germany, 13. 9. – 26. 10. 2024, Group Exhibition
  • Serbest International Film Festival (SIFF), Kishinev, Republic of Moldova, September 5, 2024, Semi-Finalist
  • “You say I have unlimited Potential. I Disagree”, Zilberman Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 19.07.2024 – 24.08.2024, Group Exhibition
  • Berlin Short Film Festival, Berlin, Germany, August 2, 2024, Official Selection
  • Roma Short Film Festival, Rome, Italy, June 20, 2024, Official Selection
  • Tokyo International Short Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan, June 2, 2024, Official Selection
  • Madrid International Short Film Festival, Madrid, Spain, May 12, 2024, Official Selection
  • Inflamável – Festival de Curtas em Super 8, Santa Caterina, Brazil, April 4, 2024, Official Selection