Essayistic short film in collaboration with Guiselt Thaiz, Saskia Hundt, and others, 7:47’, HD, Stereo, 2020
Similar to the multitude of sounds constituting urban background noise, words and information are constantly in flux and exchange. The essayistic short film THE TRUTH IS A DEMAND TO LIE examines the connection between language and architecture as an expression of political (dis)power in a vibrant metropolis. The film utilizes architecture as a visual metaphor for society, demonstrating how political language not only reflects reality but actively shapes and influences it by representing illocutionary “actions” that hold power and influence over society. It illustrates how statements made by the former German Chancellor Merkel, in the context of the German-Turkish agreement, serve as a pretext for human rights violations and illegal actions. The short film highlights the diversity and cacophony of the metropolis, inviting viewers to question the meaning behind words and architecture as sources of power and their implicit discriminations, fostering awareness of cultural, social, and power-related aspects.